This section is conveniently located under this main menu. Includes an intro by UCEF President Bill Corbin, a Summary Video, and a brief written summary
This section includes the 80 year history that has shaped the current realities and challenges, along with individual info about Technology in Curriculum, Teacher Shortage Crisis, and Scholarships large enough to make a difference.
Our Video series allow you to learn about overall purpose and individual topics that make up the challenging environment of 21st Century public school support.
Spotlight "shorts" key topics
Alumni Remembrances of Journey
The vital need for comprehensive guidance counseling relates to many aspects of student and school success.
By utilizing a bottom-side-up analysis system, we had aha! moments that we feel may be of value to others.
Although our LEARN emphasis related to the Seed Fund Campaign is a high priority, there are other ways to engage, all important to overall success. CLICK
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
A strong overview of history, isssues and action plan.
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. Union City Education Foundation, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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