The One Page Info Sheets give you a snapshot of an element of the Multi-Faceted Evolution of Public School Education, Small-Focus but Often a Microcosm of the Daunting Challenges of Century 21.
Students Lucky or Not By Accident of Birth
The challenges today's students face are complex. Those fortunate enough to have launched life in a more favorable time are Remembering, Reach Back and Making a Difference
Skyrocketing College Costs Change the Game
There is widespread knowledge of the massive student debt loan created by rising college costs. But the ripple effect has been wide and deep. Toppling a sacred cow is major.
Seekers of 4-Year Degrees: Considerations and Action Plan
For some, the cost of 4-year-college is simply out of reach. But there are steps you can take, along with family and counselors, to make that may put the dream within reach.
K12 Philanthropy Rocked by 21st Century Reality
Stated plainly, the well intentioned charitable gifts of the 20th Century did not anticipate the skyrocketed costs of Century 21's college degree. Now part of the story of a broken system of philanthropy at a time of great need.
K12 Philanthropy Opportunity
The American economy has been dramatically effected by every demographic stage of the Baby Boomer generation. The final stage is creating unprecedented opportunity for Philanthropy. Public School Education Foundations can participate.
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. Union City Education Foundation, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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