We know this may be the first time in years you have thought about Union City schools in any engagement sense, so thanks in advance for taking time to LEARN and be Aware.
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Those of us who graduated in the 20th Century enjoyed a "Golden Era" of educational opportunity and stability. There were five pillars:
We were taught using the textbook method -- the same textbooks used in schools of any size or community wealth. We had excellent teachers, available because teaching was a highly valued career choice. Teacher college enrollment was robust.
And Union City Graduates have gone into the world and succeeded in a broad array of important careers and life missions, demonstrating our sound preparation, dedicated effort and the "Can-Do" culture of Union City, then and today.
The 4-Year Degree had become the iconic avenue to career success, tracing to 1945 when millions of returning World War II veterans utilized the GI Bill to enter college. College was affordable by families of even modest means, although might require some scrimping, saving and part-time work. And for nearly 40 years, "any degree would do" in seeking the higher paying jobs that required a college degree.
Families and businesses "of wealth" and even those of modest means were active philanthropically, almost exclusively in the form of scholarship support for graduates seeking 4-year college degrees. The idea of helping via scholarships was community in the deeply cultural pursuit of a college degree.
Graduates not attending college had ready access to jobs in the prospering local economy. These jobs provided vocational education in the form of job training.
In the golden era a graduate could assume that stable employment was available that would include substantial benefits, leading to a comfortable pension.
Today's kids and their families dream the same dreams, but in many ways they are blocked by obstacles we did not face, by timing of our birth.
The high purpose of our Foundation is to help level that playing field by building an endowment that can help individual students and the school face 21st Century Reality. For individual alumni and friends, it is a challenge to payback for the UC role in life success.
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"Some of these images (and realities) are disturbing," but please open your mind about the extent of change and the meaning for individual students, teachers and leaders; vs. our 20th Century Reality.
Textbook learning is being replaced by technology, including expensive equipment, labs and teacher training. Our textbooks were inexpensive. Technology is expensive. But technology must be taught as it now inter-relates directly with a fast-changing job market. The playing field tilts in favor of larger, wealthier schools. Our graduates' competitiveness is threatened.
The reasons are complex but the impact is clear. Teachers are leaving the profession early. Enrollment in teacher colleges is declining. In various forms, schools will compete to hire and retain top tier teachers, with issues including both compensation and career satisfaction. Again the playing field tilts toward larger, wealthier schools.
The painful impact of skyrocketing college costs has become an 800# gorilla in our society. The degree stills holds iconic status for some (as it should for career paths that lead to high-paying professions that call for extensive, focused education). But the concept of "any career will do" collapsed completely as the job market begins demanding specific skills (circa 1985 with the arrival of the digital age). More below on the related crisis of student debt.
The transition from a manufacturing economy to a knowledge economy lead to massive plant closings, and Union City was especially hard hit because of the importance of the Body Company. Schools including ours are not prepared for a swift shift toward vocationally focused education. Important activity is now underway and is deserving of support and career guidance.
A cruel combination of factors arrived almost simultaneously. The plant closing era led to a major loss of local wealth at the same time college costs began to skyrocket. Although scholarship support continues and is valuable and worthy, the reality is that philanthropy did not increase in any proportion that matches the escalating college costs. The need for student debt becomes a danger that leads to financial tragedy for many.
For many, the plant closing era of the late 20th Century was proof positive that the job market was not stable. That instability has continued with events such as the failure of Kodak, Polaroid, Blockbuster and the bankruptcy and pension denial of General Motors. Today, artificial intelligence is threatening the existence of whole categories of careers.
It is worthwhile to dig deeper into this crisis, its causes and its impact on the lives of individual graduates, our "LEARN-IN DEPTH" section provides information. But here is a quick summary:
The Student Debt Crisis appears to be a pandemic in the field of education, BUT every student's situation is unique, and after considering alternatives, every student signed a loan agreement based on a plan that included these elements: Set Goals / Borrow Funds / Learn / Earn / Payback.
History has shown, painfully, that the elements of this plan are far more complex than students (and families) realized and no more than 25% of the plans succeed as planned, resulting in the disastrous financial results described above.
History also allows study of the reasons for plan failure -- highly relevant because a better plan would have avoided the disaster. Examples of planning failures:
The emerging field of Advanced Guidance -- sometimes called Comprehensive Guidance -- makes it possible for local guidance counselors to work one-on-one with individual students. Tools include the predictive analysis capability of Artificial Intelligence to help students select stable or ascending career paths, while avoiding those that will decline or disappear in the immediate future.
Partnering with the school's guidance team is a powerful, affordable step in addressing the nightmare caused by defective plans.
Continue to scroll for more about roots of UCEF
We didn't always agree --- major change always involves spirited differences of opinion, but we saw the potential and we made it happen. Today, we need direct donation to the SEED FUND CAMPAIGN that finalizes in-perpetuity infrastructure, and donations to execute the vision.
An Education Foundation is dedicated to the progress and success of a single public school system, in our case Union City Schools (Randolph Eastern School corporation. The Foundation is an IRS authorized 501(c) (3) charitable corporation offering tax advantages per latest IRS guidelines. Its role is to receive charitable donations, to prudently manage accumulated funds, and to work with the school and donors to support projects not otherwise affordable because of budget constraints. Our specific goals are:
Since 2014, the Alumni Association has worked to expand is value to the school. Our scholarship program is a decades long tradition. We added the Teacher Grant program, a living example of the kind of project relevant to teacher effectiveness and morale. The Teacher Grant program has been recognized as a principal player in Union City's national recognition for successful K12 implementation of STEM based education. By 2019, we realized two things:
Although slowed by the COVID pandemic and our own budget constraints, the Alumni Association has successfully launched UCEF as a fully operational foundation with the Alumni Association continuing as an active committee handling traditional roles and increasing alumni communication related to the needs described here.
Immediate needs are completion of a Seed Fund Campaign and the beginning of active alumni dialog about potential support. Every Alum can help, if only to help spread the word of the need and opportunity.
In larger, wealthier cities, Education Foundations have event-focused support in addition to alumni giving. These events -- formal banquets, silent auctions, wine tastings, etc. -- rely on local wealth that U.C. does not have, and we do not want to compete, on their turf, with established not-for-profit programs that are serving the community.
The Foundation's goal is development of a multi-million dollar endowment that is action oriented, aimed at financial assistance in these defined objectives: $3-5 million is a realistic aspirational goal in a 3-5 year time frame.
Greatly increased scholarship support for graduating seniors: 5x or more support than at present with support of 4-year degree support and vocational alternatives.
Career Guidance:
Active assistance, beginning in 2025, in the vital area of Advanced Guidance. By helping students make good decisions, and avoid the pitfall of the student debt trap, we can make a major difference almost immediately,
Teacher Shortage Crisis Support:
Continuation of our Teacher Support with available support for programs the school needs to hire and retain top notch teachers during an active teacher shortage crisis that will likely continue for decades.
Emerging Technology in Curriculum:
The rate of technology change is increasing, and increasingly impacts the job market. Our school simply MUST have competitive curricula.
We are encouraged by the number of Alums who have financially supported the Alumni Association over the years. The team effort that has led to formation of the Foundation has included Alumni participation dating back 20 years. (Details in graphic above).
Here are elements of that ongoing engagement with our school and home town:
Next step to engagement: Complete and return the short form below, no obligation and an important part of momentum in a multi-year effort on behalf of our alma mater and hometown.
NOTE Regarding Communication:
Your support may be days or years away, depending on form of giving, but the time to discuss important issues is NOW. We can explain the needs and tailor giving to your goals and passions.
A strong overview of history, isssues and action plan, 10:30
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. Union City Education Foundation, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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